What the Spirit Does for Us

Guide, empower, protect. Isn’t it wonderful what the Spirit does for us? But let’s get practical. How can we access these blessings? Learning about what the Holy Spirit can do is not what we most want. Experiencing it is!

Are you operating in the Spirit’s power? How can you be sure? [Read more…]

Help Is on the Way

We’ve got some bad news for you. After encouraging you to be ready for God’s best, it is our sad duty to inform you that you are incapable of getting yourself ready for God’s best in marriage—or in any other area of your life, for that matter. You just can’t do it. You don’t have it in you. Sorry.

We really mean it; you’re incapable of this. And so are we. And so is everybody else you’re going to meet today. But there is Someone who is capable of making you ready for God’s best, as you cooperate with this particular Someone. We’re talking about the Holy Spirit. [Read more…]